<Accordion title="Why does the website take so long to load?" defaultOpen>
The website is currently hosted on one server based in the **United States**, meaning certain users in **Europe** may face slight connection issues. Keep in mind, only the website should be minorly slow, since our APIs are not single server hosted.
<Accordion title="How can I join the KeyAuth Team?" defaultOpen>
If you are interested in joining the KeyAuth Team, you can simply visit our [Forms page](https://keyauth.cc/app/?page=forms) where you will see the option to apply. Please keep in mind that there is a 1-3 waiting period and it may take longer depending on the amount of applications we receive that week.
- Free seller subscription
- $10.00 off Enterprise (while available)
<Accordion title="Why do we have so many domains?" defaultOpen>
- https://keyauth.win
- https://keyauth.cc
- https://keyauth.com (redirect)
- https://keyauth.uk (redirect)
We have a fair amount of domains, and while two of them are redirects it is because certain users based on their region will have better chances of being able to access the website on one rather than the other. The primary ones are **.win** and **.cc**.
<Accordion title="Are there any discounts?" defaultOpen>
If you are coming from another service, you can contact our support team via our [Discord](https://keyauth.cc/discord) or [Website .cc](https://keyauth.cc), [Website .win](https://keyauth.win) to receive a 20% discount. Proof of purchase/usage for the other service must be provided. In addition, if you purchased the yearly developer subscription and would like to upgrade to seller yearly, you may use code **alreadydev** for 50% of.
<Accordion title="My account wasn't upgraded after purchase?" defaultOpen>
If your account wasn't upgraded right after purchase you either paid with cashapp, which means you will have to contact our support team via our [Discord](https://keyauth.cc/discord) or [Website .cc](https://keyauth.cc), [Website .win](https://keyauth.win) and provide them with proof of purchase, or you entered an invalid owner ID on checkout. Your owner ID can be found via the [App Settings](https://keyauth.cc/app/?page=app-settings) page. Simply contact support and provide them with your order ID and owner ID and we will manually upgrade you.
<Tab title="OAuth Login">
<Accordion title="How does it work?" defaultOpen>
KeyAuth gives you the ability to log in with Discord, Telegram, Google, and Apple. We simply request permission for your username, as well as your email. If the email being used on any of those accounts matches the email address of a KeyAuth account, then you will be logged into your existing account. If the event the email does not match, then a new account will be created.
<Accordion title="2FA and Security Keys" defaultOpen>
When using login with Discord, Telegram, Google or Apple, you must disable your 2fa and security key from your KeyAuth account. Instead, you should use 2fa or security keys on the account you are trying to connect with.
<Accordion title="Lose access to your connected account?" defaultOpen>
If you lost access to your Discord, Telegram, Google or Apple account, you can simple contact our support team via our website or [Discord](https://keyauth.cc/discord) and we will help you regain access.
Last modified: 8 months ago